No, this post is not about hockey... although I do love the game and miss being able to watch
The coolest game on ice, this post is about power outages.
Last night it cooled down to about 80 degrees, with a fan running and the windows open I am able to sleep OK. However, at 6am on Saturday morning we lost power for the day. Power outages are fairly common, I would say the power goes out at least once a week. At the hanger we have a backup generator with an automatic switch that will restore power within 8 seconds! At home... the ice cream just melts.
This has been quite frustrating for me, especially on the weekends when I am at home. So I decided to pull my own ¨power play¨ thanks to Uncle Sam. Part of this years tax return will be going to a beautiful red Honda generator. 2000 watts is enough to run the fridge, TV, and lights. I´ll be sure to post a picture once I pick it up. Hopefully within 2 weeks (it needs to come from Lima). Now all I need is a big
Detroit Red Wings sticker to put on the side of the generator...