Sunday, May 24, 2009

Finding Money

Today I became 20 dollars richer! Well, I guess I was already that rich but I just did not know where the money was... Two years ago, when I first left for Peru, I had a fair amount of clothing, namely long pants and coats, that I left in Michigan. I knew I would not need any of that in Peru as where I live and fly, it is always hot and humid! This morning when I was getting ready for Church I found a 20 dollar bill in my pant pocket. I also found a note that I had writting to myself over two years ago!
Later on in the afternoon, I put on some shorts that I brought with me from Peru, and I found 20 soles (Peruvian money) in the front pocket of those as well! Not really sure what I am going to do with that for the next few months, but I did think about trying on the rest of my cloths to see what other "economic stimulus" I could find. Now if I could just figure out who took in the waist on all my pants that I left here two years ago...

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