Sunday, September 2, 2007


This weekend I was on my way to the bus stop when I saw a street vendor selling something that caught my eye. At first I was not sure what it was but upon closer inspection, I could hardly believe my eyes. There in from of me were strawberries! I quickly purchased one kilo, about 2 pounds, for 6 Soles, or $2.

Arriving home 1/2 an hour later, I washed the strawberries and broke out the blender. With some strawberries, vanilla ice cream, and a little milk, I had myself a real treat. A genuine strawberry milkshake. I was quite pleased even though it was not quite on par with the Village Dipper in Drenthe, MI.

Even 3000 miles away, I had a taste of home. What a wonderful and tasty blessing from the Lord.


Linda said...

MMmmm. Lovely!
We just finished a Labor Day picnic at Grandpa and Gram's. The Ottens are on their way back to Milwaukee.
Have a great day!

Ed said...

Cool Dave! We'll let Doreen know that you absolutely ADORE the Dipper! She'll love it! Enjoy the blessings from heaven!